Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Welcome to Cookham Parish Council On-Line

The Clerk to the Council, Mrs Janet Wheeler, has an office at the Library in High Road, next to Cookham Rise Primary School.  The Office is open weekdays 9.00am - 1.00pm and 6.00pm - 7.15pm on Monday Evening, so that residents can view planning applications, pay allotment rents etc. Outside these hours there is an answerphone 01628 522003, this also doubles up as a fax.

The Parish Council Meetings schedule for 2009-2010 can be accessed by clicking here.

Anyone can attend and fifteen minutes is given before the start of the meetings for residents' questions. Some of the meetings are held in the Community Room in the same building.

The Parish Council welcomes all your questions, comments and suggestions.

Janet Wheeler is the Clerk to the Parish Council. She lives in Cookham with her husband Richard and her two children.

Shirley Warren is Janet's assistant. Shirley lives in Cookham Dean, so both Janet and Shirley have an inbuilt knowledge of the village and are always happy to answer your questions.