Wednesday, 5 August 2009


 1. The Cookham Parish Cemetery can be found off Switchback Road North. Inform the Clerk to the Parish Council at least three days prior to any interment (Monday to Friday 8.30am - 12.30pm).

2. All fees and charges due to the Council are to be paid to the Clerk, with cheques made Payable to Cookham Parish Council.

3. The selection of the plot in all cases, both of general interment and purchase, is to be subject to the approval of the Council or of their Clerk, but the wishes of applicants will be met as far as may be deemed practicable.

4. Parishioners or inhabitants of the Parish may purchase the exclusive right of burial for a period not exceeding 100 years in any grave space and may have a grant thereof according to a form approved by the Council. The like privilege will be allowed to non-parishioners on payment of additional fees as provided.

5. For adults, no grave space less than 5 feet, no other graves less than 4 feet in depth from the surface will be allowed, and none but graves purchased exclusively are to be re-opened.

6. All brick, stone, or other rubbish, shall be removed by and at the expense of the parties by whom it has been caused.

7. All memorials and inscriptions are to be subject to the approval of the Parish Council, and a copy of any inscription (if containing anything more than the name, date of death and age of the deceased) proposed to be placed in the ground, and a drawing showing the form and dimensions of every memorial proposed to be erected, must be left with the Clerk to the Council until the next meeting of the Council for approval. All memorials and tablets are to be kept in repair by the owners, except a special agreement be made with the Council, and if not repaired after due notice, may be removed by order of the Council.

 8.  A register of the burials will be kept at the office of the Clerk and Registrar of the Parish Council; where, at reasonable times, searches may be made, and certified extracts be obtained.

9. Persons committing injury or willful damage within the Cemetery are liable to a penalty not exceeding £20, by Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1974 (15).

10. No funerals will be allowed after 12 noon on Saturdays.

11. No bushes, flowers or ornamental shrubs may be planted in the Cemetery, except within the grave space for which exclusive rights have been granted. The planting of any flowers or shrubs on the Cremation Plot is forbidden, although flowers and shrubs may be planted in vases or containers
on a memorial tablet.

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